Housing corporation Centrada is a housing association with almost 9.000 rental units and around 90 employees in Lelystad, the Netherlands. This housing association has a unique position in Lelystad; almost all social rental properties in the city are in their possession. They work very hard to put the customer first, and to achieve this they actively collaborate with the municipality, their customers and many other partners. The motto of Centrada is: “Working together on living”.

Centrada chooses Unexus Connect

Centrada decided to replace their existing telephony infrastructure so that employees can set their own availability to make their status visible to everyone. Unexus has an integration with Umbrella, which is used to facilitate this. They expressed a clear preference for scalability, so expansions of staff, services and contact channels are made possible and easy thanks to Unexus.

Solution for visually impaired

After the implementation a visually impaired solution was offered, in which personal training and special software from Dolphin SuperNova were used to ensure that all employees can benefit from the flexible Unexus solution.

Interested in a demonstration of the Unexus Communication Platform?


  • Fixed telephone-mobile integration

  • Omnichannel Contact Center

  • Easily scalable

  • BI-link


  • Umbrella

  • Dolphin SuperNova (solution for visually impaired)