Business Intelligence software (BI software) is a technical tool that offers insight in your data. You can learn about developments in the data, act upon those developments and foresee the needs of your customers. It offers endless possibilities for implementation. Lefier applied BI software to their processes. They have used BI software for quite a while, but recently they updated their use of the tool. This weblog offers some insight into the lessons Lefier learned.

BI software at Lefier

Lefier’s usage was mainly aimed at reports with detailed information, from RVC to daily results of the department. Lefier uses Katoomba, which is software developed by Blue Mountain. Besides the fact that Blue Mountain organises the discharge of data from the different organisational systems Lefier uses, they also guide the process to build multiple dashboards.

Within the Customer Care Center (CCC) they were used to arranging reports based on the different sources in their systems. These systems consisted of Umbrella and formerly Genesys. Because the different system sources and the resulting data didn’t match with each other, the handmade reports failed to give a unified conclusion. The more data was unravelled, the more questions and new data arose.

Deciding to integrate new dashboards

The different reports were not easy to unify. It was important Lefier could enter the source of the data and the way it was arranged and delivered. To create beautiful dashboard and reports, you require BI software. Lefier ultimately transferred data from Umbrella and Genesys in such a way that they corresponded. This process was overseen by Blue Mountain. Because of this Lefier could finally make specific conclusions that made sense. With the use of the new dashboards they also created insights in the daily workload and results.

Telecommunications by Unexus

When choosing Unexus’ telecommunication services, Lefier made sure that the data from the telecommunication services could be connected to their BI software. Besides this, Lefier wanted to hold on to their old data. The co-operation between Eric (Senior Consultant) of Unexus and Michiel from Blue Mountain was spot on, and resulted in a smooth transition of the data.

Use of data at the CCC

Within the CCC Lefier uses data in different ways. Lefier offers three tips:

  • They use the daily data to review the days. Lefier also uses the weekly data. Was there something peculiar which resulted into a lot of communication traffic or the other way around?;
  • Long term data is used to provide the right match between supply and demand. It’s used in, for instance, knowledge databases and portals;
  • Employees receive weekly emails with their personal results. This is used for the development of the staff.

Thus using the BI software also provides coaching opportunities. Lefier has started coaching their own employees. Employees retrieve data from the weekly results to measure and develop their personal learning plan.


Although Lefier saves a lot of data, with detailed information, other Katoomba users in the organisation can’t retrieve the data of the person or the employee. With this measure, Lefier ensures the privacy of their employees as well as their clients. Clients are unharmed by the integration of BI software, because they can’t see the changes but do profit from the improvements the BI software offers through analysing data.


Lefier has several tips to offer when a company is interested in building dashboards for data using the BI software. First, the development of the dashboard takes up a lot of time. You have to test and review the process multiple times. Thinking ahead is essential. What is your company’s aim for the dashboard? What result are you trying to achieve? Don’t start too big, set yourself one of two subjects that are suitable for analysis.

Secondly, choose a partner that knows your business or knows about the data that needs to be analysed and retrieved. This way the partner can walk you through what they thinks is necessary, and what is irrelevant.

Third, developing the dashboard is a permanent process. Lefier is currently still integrating e-mail services within the dashboard. In February Lefier also started using the e-mail services by Unexus.

In summary, making good use of BI software can offer valuable insights and detailed reports on what you can do to optimise your service. The screenshots below demonstrate Lefier’s dashboard in practice.

Due to the privacy of Lefier’s clients and employees, some data is blacked-out.

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